Скачать Rpg Mod для новой CSS бесплатно

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Скачать Rpg Mod для новой CSS бесплатно

Rpg Mod для новой CSS

CSS:RPG - очень интересный мод для сервера. Можно набирать опыт покупать апгрейды и продавать их, и еще куча других возможностей!

Если вы убиваете врага вы получаете опыт. По достижении порога опыта вы получаете новый уровень. Можно покупать апгрейды для игрока, также можно и продавать их

Список апгрейдов:

Regeneration - получение здоровья каждую секунду.
Health+ (Health Bonus) - бонус здоровья.
Resupply - получение аммуниции каждые 3 секунды.
Vampire - Повреждение нанесенное врагу добавляеться вам в здоровье.
Stealth - что то вроде невидимки.
LongJump - длинные прыжки.
FireGrenade - огненные гранаты.
IceStab - при ударе ножом - заморозка врага.
FrostPistol - эффекты пистолетов.
Denial - возвращение оружия.
Impulse - импульс, при выстреле - ускорение.
Medic - друзья получают здоровье.

Список изменений:

CSS:RPG v1.0.5
- Compatibility with the last update
- Metamod: Source conversion
- File Variable Manager
- Added CVAR: cssrpg_denial_restrict to restrict certain weapons
- Added Upgrade: Impulse - increases speed when under fire
- Added Upgrade: Medic - automatically heals teammates near you or repairs their armor
- Removed lowered sensitivity feature from IceStab
- Fixed Bug 1: Upgrade Level 1 Exploit
- Fixed Bug 2: Negative Credits Exploit Fixed
- Overall major code improvements and optimizations

CSS:RPG v1.0.3
- Added Denial Upgrade (Original UT2004RPG Skill)
- Added FrostPistol Upgrade
- Modified IceStab to lower sensitivity on frozen players
- Added CVAR cssrpg_icestab_limit_dmg to limit inflicted damage on frozen players from anything other than the knife
- Icestabbed victims will not be able to IceStab other players until unfrozen
- Added 22 new console commands for CSS:RPG, use rpg_help for a list
- Added CVARs cssrpg_<upgrade>_maxlevel to decrease or increase the maximum level for an Upgrade
- Added cssrpg_bot_maxlevel to control the maximum level a bot can attain before its stats are reset
- Added support for HintText-style Experience notices
- Added CVAR cssrpg_exp_notice to enable/disable the hint text notices
- Added Multi-Language support with some language configs included: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Hungerian
- Added CVAR cssrpg_default_lang to set the default language for the server
- Bug Fix: Level 1 players will be deleted if they haven't played for 3 days
- Bug Fix: LongJump Exploit
- Bug Fix: cssrpg.db on Linux will now automaticly be removed to the cstrike/cfg/cssrpg directory

CSS:RPG v1.0.2
- Added IceStab Upgrade
- Added rpgrank and rpgtop10
- Added Settings menu for the option "Reset Stats"
- Added cssrpg_announce_newlvl to turn on or off player level increase announcements
- Added cssrpg_exp_knifedmg to set the amount of Experience for knife damage
- Added cssrpg_steamid_save for saving data by SteamID instead of SteamID and name
- Added cssrpg_exp_notice to notice players when they recieve Experience (won't show damage xp)
- Added Objective Experience CVARs
- cssrpg_exp_teamwin
- cssrpg_exp_bombplanted
- cssrpg_exp_bombdefused
- cssrpg_exp_bombexploded
- cssrpg_exp_hostage
- cssrpg_exp_vipescaped
- Incomplete cssrpg_enable bug: Fixed
- FF Damage XP and Vamp bug: Fixed
- Stealth Bug: Fixed

CSS:RPG v1.0.1
- Stealth Upgrade Added
- Autosave Bug: Fixed
- Flashbang Resupply Bug: Fixed
- Sale Price Bug: Fixed
- Bots buying over the Upgrade Max Level: Fixed
- Added cssrpg_version
- Added cssrpg_save_interval
- Added some color to the greeting text
- Added color to the newbie Level text
- Added Linux Compatibility


1. Распаковать в папку с сервером

2. Прописать в metaplugins.ini : addons/cssrpg/bin/cssrpg_mm

Плагины для сервера КСС

Добавил: Amatory | Теги: css, бесплатно, скачать, новой, Rpg Mod, для новой
Просмотров: 1296 | Загрузок: 319 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Дата: 09.02.2025

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